Be a part of our Story!

What is the endowment fund?
The Verona Public Library Endowment is our long-term savings account. This permanent fund in which your gift is invested grows over time. The principal remains in the fund, with the interest providing income to the library for years to come. It is a way for people who love the library to give a monetary gift that will continue to grow and create a legacy for the future. Funds will be used to enhance our offerings of innovative programs, performances, lectures, and travelling exhibits for all ages.
How to give:
Please click here or the link above to pledge your tax-deductible gift or mail a donation, checks payable to the Verona Public Library:
Verona Public Library
500 Silent Street
Verona, WI 53593
attn: Endowment fund
If you prefer to donate via PayPal, click here:
If you would like to make an ongoing monthly contribution, please click here to download and print a form for electronic funds transfer.
How will my gift be recognized?
Donors who contribute $1000 or more will receive lasting acknowledgment at the library on our distinguished donor wall. All donations, at every level, will be acknowledged in writing and on our website.
Thank you to our Donors!
For more information, please contact Stacey Burkart, Library Director, at sburkart [at] (sburkart[at]veronapubliclibrary[dot]org) or (608) 845-7180.
Madison Community Foundation uses its local knowledge and assets to inspire giving, support meaningful initiatives, and connect people for the common good. It was established in 1942 as a tax-exempt community trust and is governed by a Board of Governors representing the broad interests of the community. Individuals and organizations interested in establishing an endowment with Madison Community Foundation or donating money to its general fund may find more information online at