What is 1000 Books before Kindergarten?
It is a free program that encourages parents to read 1000 books with their child before he or she enters school – a goal experts say children need to help them learn to read for themselves. One of the best ways to encourage learning is to spend time sharing books every day. Reading together helps develop important pre-reading skills that provide a solid reading foundation. Plus, sharing stories together is fun!
How does it work?
Stop by the Verona Public Library anytime to sign up for the program, you will receive a reading journal to take home and record the books you read to your child. If you read a book more than once (or over & over), you can record it each time. Books read at library story time, at daycare, or by others to your child also count! Each time you finish 100 books, bring your reading log to the library and your child will receive a small prize. After finishing 1000 books, your child will receive a free book and special recognition on our Wall of Fame, and get an awesome jumpstart on success in school.
Who can participate?
All families with children who have not yet started five-year-old kindergarten can join the program – even newborns! You do not need to live in Verona to participate.
This club has no end date except your child’s going to school, so don’t feel rushed. Take every chance you have to read with your children, tell and talk about stories, say nursery rhymes, sing songs, and attend library programs. By reading just three stories a day you and your child will have read over 1000 books in one year.